Origin: English
Period: Twentieth Century
Provenance: Unknown
Date: c.1890
Circumference: 8 inches
Height: 7 inches
Each of fluted design, with an inset label of black lettering on a red ground with a gilt border, and original stoppers. One of the bottles has a small chip around the rim, otherwise in good condition.
The labels are fine. One of the labels reads 'LIN:BELLADON', which is a medical tincture derived from from atropa belladonna, also known as Deadly Nightshade. It was used to treat rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, cancer, meningitis, asthma, coughs, spasms, scarlet fever, abscesses and eczema.
The label on the second bottle reads 'LIN:ACONITI' , derived from the dried leaves and roots of various herbs of the genus Aconitum, also known as Monkshood. It is used externally as an analgesic and was formerly used internally as a sedative.